
Below you can see the standard Config.yml


        #Enter your server prefix.
        Server_Prefix: "&6&lSERVER"
        #When this is true the TablistManager will send you a message, if you run a old version of TablistManager.
        Update_Checker: true
        #Enter the permission you need if you will use the admin features.
        Admin_Permission: tablistmanager.admin
        #Choose when the tablist is allowed to be updated ingame.
        Tps_Performance_Value: 12
        #Choose how often the tablist should be updated in seconds. 5 below means that the tablist will update every 5 seconds.
        Update_Time: 5
        #Set this to true if you want to enable prefix in tablist and false to disable.
        Prefix: false
        #Set this to true if you want to enable suffix in tablist and false to disable.
        Suffix: false
        #Choose the default tabname color in the tablist.
        Default_Tabname_Color: "&7"
        #Choose if the tablist should hide spectators in the tablist.
        Spectator_Hide: true

    #Choose to enable or disable this feature.
    Enabled: false
    #Determine which worlds the tablist should be disabled in.
        - test-world
        - blacklisted-world

    #Enable or disable the tablist.
    Enabled: true
    #Edit the tablist header below.
    Header: "&d&lWelcome To My Server {newline} &c&oVisit the Config.yml to edit this!{newline}"
    #Edit the tablist footer below.
    Footer: "{nl}&e&lPlayers: &a{OnlinePlayers}/{MaxPlayers}, &7&oHello {player} {nl} &fTps: {Tps} &8| &fReal Time: {realtime} &r"

Last updated